Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Canberra Chapter

Before I begin this post, I want to apologise for the lateness of it and the rest to come. We had no internet reception for much of the last week of the tour and were consequently unable to make our posts.

After arriving in Canberra on Saturday we rose early on Sunday morning to venture out to Mulloon Creek Natural Farms (MCNF). The two farms spanning 2300 hectares that form MCNF, are certified ‘A’ grade biodynamic farms. The vision of MCNF is “to be a model of restorative natural agriculture, growing bio-diversity and building environmental capital to be shared for the benefit of future generations”. MCNF achieves this model as it farms cattle, sheep, poultry and a variety of crops using a biodynamic system of agriculture.

Growing up in the country, the view of cattle, sheep and horses roaming paddocks as they graze was a familiar occurrence that I would encounter on a day to day basis. However, never before had I seen hundreds of chooks running free, squawking and flapping and genuinely enjoying themselves as they were farmed for their eggs. To make the picture even more unusual was the sight of two magnificent, Italian, big fluffy white Maremma dogs guarding the chooks. Tony (the owner who showed us around the farm), told us that the dogs are natural guards, who form a protective relationship with the chooks and scare away foxes and other predators. An amazing thing!!! I don’t think I will ever forget the chook farm and hope that it soon becomes a general farming practice. Not only were the chooks happier and healthier but the eggs also had much more omega 3 and other nourishing elements compared to the normal eggs we buy. The chooks also acted as a natural fertilizer of the fields they grazed in.

After checking out the chook farms and a eating a hearty lunch provided by Tony’s wife Toni, we went on a tour of part of the farm that is currently being rehydrated using Peter Andrews’ principles of Natural Sequence Farming. We all enjoyed the guided walk along the creek, which is a focal point of rehydrating the land to the state it was originally in before the past 150 years of extended degradation caused by unsustainable farming practices. The changes Tony, Peter and the MCNF team have made is an achievement that caught all our interest.

After our tour we were lucky enough to hear from Vanessa Morris, a passionate advocate for sustainable architecture. Vanessa is a former ABC radio presenter who was moved to change her lifestyle and profession after viewing Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. She has had the good fortune to have undertaken Al Gore’s climate change leadership program and has also created her own business to encourage the use of solar energy. We all gained much knowledge from her advice about how we can involve ourselves in different programs and practices to create a more sustainable world.

I want to end this post in acknowledgement of Purvi, our enthusiastic, welcoming, and smiling friend. On our first day in Canberra, a group of us went to putt putt golf and ice skating. Purvi had the great misfortune to break her leg whilst ice skating, an event that devastated us all, as it took her away from us for the rest of the tour. I want to acknowledge what a brave and courageous person Purvi is because I don’t think many other people could have conducted themselves in the valiant way she did as she waited for her injury to be attended to. We have all missed you very much Purvi and hope you have a speedy and comfortable recovery.



Anonymous said...

thanks s much Bron. :) I also missed you guys over the next days in hospital ! :)

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