Saturday, June 14, 2008

AIUYF 2008: Curtain Raiser

The intelligent, enthusiastic, young and the restless youths of Australian and Indian Universities are all set to dazzle Australia with the first edition of Australia India Universities Youth Forum (AIUYF) to be held from 28th June – 12th July 2008. AIUYF is an exciting new initiative of IDP Education Australia Ltd. The AIUYF this year will have participation from Australian and Indian Universities. 31 Indian students will be joining 26 Australian students in Australia to exchange their ideas, cultures and lots more. This year the theme of the forum is sustainability because of its highly topical nature and relevance across a broad range of disciplines. Forum participants were selected based on a demonstrated interest in the theme of sustainability, leadership ability and an outstanding academic background. The 2008 AIUYF will be a unique opportunity for Australian and Indian students to participate in an interactive and stimulating two-week program of workshops, events and activities focusing on the theme of sustainability.

Highlights of AIUYF program are:
  • Eco tour of the Blue Mountains
  • Three-day sustainability leadership training program
  • Presentations from CEO of City of Sydney
  • Presentation from University of Technology Sydney's Institute for Sustainable Future's Director Professor Stuart White
  • Visit to Mulloon Creek biodynamic farm
  • Presentation from Al Gore trained Australian Conservation Foundation Climate Change Project representative
  • Meeting with Deputy High Commissioner
  • Three day eco tour of outback Australia

So watch out for the Saturday, June 28th, 2008 when the curtains from the prestigious AIUYF 2008 will be lifted. And don’t forget to revisit this blog for more updates about AIYUF 2008. That’s all for now.

The count down begins…13 days to go!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nimit, I'm sure everyone will enjoy reading your updates.