Sunday, June 29, 2008

Opening night and a bushwalk in the Blue Mountains

Yesterday we kicked off the forum by celebrating together on a cruise of Sydney Harbour. I think a few of us may have initially been a bit nervous but that was short lived. Everyone quickly began to converse together and some fast friendships were made as we sipped champagne and ate canapés.

I had a fantastic time learning about just a few of the ins and outs of Indian culture. I have been quite ignorant of many aspects of Indian culture and relished the chance to learn more. My new friends have been very welcoming and patient as they have explained aspects of their culture and showed me pictures from their home. I can’t wait to go to India!!!

Although some of us were a little chilly outside on the boat, no one could resist hanging over the banisters to catch a glimpse of the Opera House that was shining across the waters. We also had marvellous views of Sydney Harbour Bridge and Luna Park. It was great to see these landmarks in the dark as they look so different and beautiful all lit up at night.

Rishu has told me that the cruise was the first for many of the Indian students and an exciting experience. For many of the Aussies too, this trip has been their first to the NSW capital. An exciting event for all!


After an early start today, we all got a bite to eat in the dining hall before boarding the bus for the Blue Mountains. I have been to the Blue Mountains a few times, having lived close by, but much of what we learned today was still new to me. Our guides took us through several different ecosystems in our half day walk. It was a strange thing to one moment be in scrubby bushland and the next in rainforest!

A favourite feature of the walk for most students was the waterfall we saw just before lunch. It was set amongst the trees and cascaded from the top of the cliffs down a rocky path to the forest floor. Many of us went a bit photo crazy as we all tried to snap shots of this beautiful, natural feature.

Lunch was enjoyed by all as we sat in a long, open long cave that displayed a fantastic view of the National Park stretching away into the distance. A roll and ANZAC biscuit were on the menu and many Australian students enjoyed telling the Indian students the history of the famous biscuit as we ate.

Our guides shared a lot of information about the land and ecosystems. This was fantastic and some students were lucky enough to hear a little bit about Aboriginal people and culture. A small group of Indian students discussed this issue personally with Mark. Rishu says he found this discussion with Mark impressive, as Mark had in depth knowledge about Aboriginal culture and the issues of disadvantage within Australia. Rishu has told me the disadvantage that is present in Australia, is similar within certain groups of people in India. I think we can all agree the disadvantage is an issue that needs to be further addressed in both countries.

I will sign off for now, as we all eagerly await tomorrows visit to Vox Bandicoot.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Not quite there as yet...

I was supposed to board the Jet Airways flight from new delhi to mumbai today morning. And as I write this the indian students will probably be boarding the flight from mumbai to sydney.
Well well well, they say everything that can go wrong will go wrong. That seems to have been the operating factor in my life for the past one week. Just when I thought I was somehow going to manage the last minute packing etc there came a postman knocking on my door. The next thing I know I'm required to be here in Delhi for some work on June 30th - not avoidable, non-negotiable. To say I was heartbroken would be an understatement. I just could not believe my luck...or rather, the lack of it! I spent a day trying to reschedule the meeting and eventually wrote an email to Carlie saying I wouldnt be able to make it. She called me back instantly, and I explained the situation to her. She very calmly said "ok so how about you join us after your interview?" Honestly, I couldn't believe my ears!! Was that really possible?! Within a day she got my flights from Delhi to Mumbai, and then to Sydney rescheduled. So now I should be in sydney on july 2nd, ceteris paribus.
Until then I hope to get the early reactions to the forum through the other bloggers!! Enjoy the welcome cruise & eco tour on the weekend :) See you soon!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Get Excited!!!

After frequent checks of the AIUYF Facebook board, numerous postings and adding new AIUYF friends on Facebook we are about to embark on our two week journey.

I think everyone is feeling the excitement build as the days end and our departure becomes closer. I am excited about gaining a greater knowledge of sustainability from such learned people within the industry. The presentations, visits, meetings and leadership training program that we will attend are opportunities we are most fortunate to have. After all, it’s not everyday that you have the opportunity to work with people personally trained by Nobel Peace prize winner Al Gore.

The locations too, are another element that brings much excitement to our trip. The chance to visit organizations that are at the forefront of environmental change will give us insights into the ways in which organizations are tackling climate change.

Throughout my life I have seen numerous pictures of Uluru and always wanted to visit this famous landmark. The fact that we will be exploring this amazing feature up close is even more thrilling. I can’t wait to see it and all the other interesting places we will be visiting.



Monday, June 23, 2008

The Final Countdown

The countdown has begun.Just 3 more days to go and I will be in Australia.

So many things to be done,last minute packing,shopping etc..its a never ending list but nonetheless am enjoying every bit of it....

Am so excited and looking forward to seeing the entire group and am sure that each one of us is equally looking forward to it as well.The entire time we will be spending together is going to be so special.

I am posting a photograph of my immediate family and this snap was taken last year during the centenary birth celebrations of my great grandfather from my maternal side.My grandmother has 6 sisters and a brother.There are approximately 65-68 people in this snap.The eldest member in the snap is my great grandfather [100 yrs.old] and the youngest is one of my cousins [1 yr. and 6 months].This year in August we will be celebrating my grandmothers 75th birthday and also my great grandfathers 101st birthday..

Saturday, June 14, 2008

AIUYF 2008: Curtain Raiser

The intelligent, enthusiastic, young and the restless youths of Australian and Indian Universities are all set to dazzle Australia with the first edition of Australia India Universities Youth Forum (AIUYF) to be held from 28th June – 12th July 2008. AIUYF is an exciting new initiative of IDP Education Australia Ltd. The AIUYF this year will have participation from Australian and Indian Universities. 31 Indian students will be joining 26 Australian students in Australia to exchange their ideas, cultures and lots more. This year the theme of the forum is sustainability because of its highly topical nature and relevance across a broad range of disciplines. Forum participants were selected based on a demonstrated interest in the theme of sustainability, leadership ability and an outstanding academic background. The 2008 AIUYF will be a unique opportunity for Australian and Indian students to participate in an interactive and stimulating two-week program of workshops, events and activities focusing on the theme of sustainability.

Highlights of AIUYF program are:
  • Eco tour of the Blue Mountains
  • Three-day sustainability leadership training program
  • Presentations from CEO of City of Sydney
  • Presentation from University of Technology Sydney's Institute for Sustainable Future's Director Professor Stuart White
  • Visit to Mulloon Creek biodynamic farm
  • Presentation from Al Gore trained Australian Conservation Foundation Climate Change Project representative
  • Meeting with Deputy High Commissioner
  • Three day eco tour of outback Australia

So watch out for the Saturday, June 28th, 2008 when the curtains from the prestigious AIUYF 2008 will be lifted. And don’t forget to revisit this blog for more updates about AIYUF 2008. That’s all for now.

The count down begins…13 days to go!!!
